
NTEC meets Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee, 8 am, Albuquerque, 3.29.22

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans,The Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee is once again having their Meetings, Work Sessions, Leadership Meetings Away from the capitol of the Navajo Nation, Window Rock, which is where the Navajo government is headquartered. The Resources & Development Committee uses the Navajo Dept of Transportation meeting rooms, but lately the RDC & the […]

NTEC & Navajo Power go before Budget & Finance, 9 am, 12.6.21

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, It appears that Monday, Dec. 6, 2021, is Navajo Transitional Energy Company Day. NTEC had a 7 am special meeting with the Navajo Nation Council’s Resources & Development Committee today, 12.6.21. (See earlier Post) And now, the Council’s Budget & Finance Committee called a Work Session for NTEC to present their Solar/Renewal Projects…LOL […]

Resources Committee holds early AM mtg for Navajo Transitional Energy, 7 am, 12.6.21

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, The Navajo Nation Council called a 7 am to discuss ONE item on their meeting agenda: Discussion on the 2021 Draft List of Critical Minerals and Approving the draft Public Comment by Navajo Transitional Energy Company to the U.S. Department of the Interior, which is due by December 9, 2021. The NTEC Presenter […]

Navajo Transitinal Energy Company & Special Duty Pay on Resources & Development Committee agenda, 10 am, 9.29.21

RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF THE 24th NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 10 a.m., REVISED PROPOSED AGENDAPRESIDING: Honorable Rickie Nez, ChairpersonHonorable Thomas Walker, Jr., Vice-ChairpersonLOCATION: Via Telecommunications, Call-In Number: 1-669-900-6833, Zoom Meeting ID: 732-628-2566, Passcode: 86515 Call Meeting to Order; Roll Call; Invocation; and Announcements;( ) Rickie Nez Location: ________( ) Thomas […]

$12.5M in Just Transition funds secured by Tribal & Conservation Groups, 4.26.21

PRESS RELEASE – PNM/Avangrid merger: Coalition secures $12.5M in “just transition” funding, pathway to better future for NM fossil-fuel impacted communities Tribal and conservation groups secured significant community investment and other benefits as part of a proposed settlement in the merger case between PNM Resources and Avangrid, an energy company pursuing a transition away from […]

Navajo Transitional Energy Company going before Resources Committee, 3.3.21, 10 am

PROPOSED (March 3, 2021 Regular Meeting)RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF THE 24th NAVAJO NATION COUNCILTeleconferencing RDC Regular Meeting, March 3, 2021, 10:00 A.M.AGENDA:TELECONFERENCE CALL NUMBER: (669) 900-6833MEETING ID NUMBER: 732 628 2566PASSCODE: 86515PRESIDING: Rickie Nez, ChairpersonThomas Walker, Jr., Vice-Chairperson Call Meeting to Order; Roll Call; Invocation; and Announcements;( ) Rickie Nez Location: ________( ) Wilson Stewart, […]

Navajo Council Naabik’iyati meeting with Prez Nez & NTEC, 6.15.20

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, If everything goes as scheduled according to the Naabik’iyati proposed agenda, the two meetings today should be very revealing. The first meeting is with the Navajo Nation’s three branch chiefs: President Jonathan Nez, Speaker Seth Damon and Chief Justice JoAnn Jayne. The meeting is focused on proposed Navajo Council legislation 0116-20, which Council […]

Navajo Transitional Energy Company goes before Navajo Council Naabi, 10 am, 6.11.20

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, If you have any interest in what Navajo Transitional Energy Company or NTEC has been doing in Montana & Wyoming…in Our Name – please turn in into the Naabik’iyati Committee meeting, 10 am, 6.11.20, Thursday. Please MUTE your phones & you do not need to INTRODUCE yourself. FYI – NTEC recently laid off […]

Grandchildren’s money headed to NTEC?

The following is an Oct. 7, 2019, Letter to the Editor. that Duane “Chili” Yazzie, Dine’ citizen, Shiprock Chapter president and former Navajo Nation Council delegate, regarding the effort by Navajo Transitional Energy Company for the Council to approve an increase in its financial backing of NTEC’s bonds from more than $520 million to an […]

Navajo Council work session: Proposed $1B bonding for NTEC

The Navajo Nation Council Naabik’iyati Committee work session begins at 1 p.m. in the auditorium of Department of Dine’ Education, Window Rock, Arizona, Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019. The work session is in response to the Council’s tabling of Emergency Legislation #0319-19: Sponsored by: Delegate Vince James and Carl Slater. On Oct. 23, Council Delegates Edmund […]