
Navajo Transitional Energy Company before Navajo Council

COUNCIL RECESSED FOR LUNCH AND THEY ARE BACK ON COUNCIL FLOOR AND TAKING UP: Legislation No.: 0490-17 Legislation Title: An Action Relating to Resources And Development, Budget And Finance, Naa’bik’iyati’ Committees And The Navajo Nation Council; Approving And Authorizing The Navajo Transitional Energy Company To Pledge 100% Of The Equity Interest Of The Navajo Nation […]

Is traveling to Albuquerque for a meeting, saving public money?

The Navajo Nation Council BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE has scheduled a WORK SESSION at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Albuquerque, N.M., April 27. The WORK SESSION is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. and deals with very public issues. According to Budget & Finance Committee’s proposed agenda, the committee will hear recommendations from the Navajo Nation Office […]

Navajo Council lose quorum – again

Navajo Nation Council loses quorum at 9:30 p.m. while questioning Navajo Area Bureau of Indian Affairs Office in Gallup, N.M., which seems to be a trend… I was reading past posts and in 2014 and 2013, the Council lost quorum during as they listened to the BIA report during their summer session. A quorum of […]

Federal Court Rejects Navajo Transitional Energy Company’s Plan to Expand Navajo Nation Coal Mine

Court Rejects Plan to Expand New Mexico Coal Mine | Western Environmental Law Center. WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW CENTER – U.S. District Judge John L. Kane held that the OSM environmental assessment approving the 2012 expansion violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by ignoring harms resulting from the mine expansion including toxic mercury pollution from […]

Navajo President Shelly talks carbon sequestration, gasification, restarting Desert Rock

Here at Navajo Nation Division of Natural Resources Energy Summit at Twin Arrows Casino & Resort. Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly is speaking. We are being told not to burn coal. so maybe we should export coal. china and even russia came over. we’ve done international trade with NAPI. We were told not to sell […]

Permanent extension of Indian Coal Production Tax Credit moves to Navajo Council

Navajo Council Naabik’iyati Committee, without debates, votes 10 in favor, 2 opposed, on LEGISLATION 0246-13: confirming Beverly Becenti-Pigman to Navajo Nation Human Rights Research Review Board. Committee now on LEGISLATION 0090-14, supporting the Navajo Nation’s and Crow Tribe’s combined and collaborative efforts to energy, supporting the U.S. Congress’s permanent extension of the Indian Coal Production […]

Navajo Transitional Energy Company paying profits to BHP for $85 million loan

HERE AT NAVAJO TRANSITIONAL ENERGY COMPANY’S PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING AT NAVAJO NATION MUSEUM IN WINDOW ROCK, ARIZ. What is cost of coal mine operating agreement? SAM WOODS Get back to you. we are in fourth month of operation. What is amount of BHP note (which is the loan that BHP made to NTEC for NTEC […]

NTEC still pushing “clean coal”

NTEC interim CEO Sam Woods talking about how Navajo coal mine in coal belt. He’s also pointing out oil and gas belt and water ways in Navajo Nation. and overlaying resources are solar resources that nation can look at for feasibility of developing. Why showing? because NTEC created to exert greater control of management of […]

Navajo Transitional Energy Company meeting

NTEC CEO Sam Woods making presentation: NTEC created 2013. In December 2013, NTEC executed several agreements: coal agreement with APS for Four Corners Plant; operating agreement with BHP. NTEC is to be reliable safe producer of coal, while diversifing the Nation’s energy resources to create economic and enviornemtnal sustainabilit for the Nvajo people. WE ARE […]

Navajo Transitional Energy Company’s “public informational meeting”

Here at Navajo Transitional Energy Company’s one of five “public informational meeting” at the Navajo Nation Museum in Window Rock, Ariz. NTEC Executive Assistant Emerald Craig said that the meeting will start about 6:30 pm. I’m here and so are three other people. One of the other three individuals is Farmington Daily Times reporter Noel […]