
How the Navajo Council voted on NTEC amendments

On Oct. 23, the Council voted 16 in favor, 5 opposed to approve controversial amendments to the Navajo Transitional Energy Company’s plan of operation that the Naabiki’yati’ Committee approved and recommended to the Council in executive session on Oct. 16. None of the Council debate over the NTEC amendments was held in open session. 16 […]

Speaker Naize: Signing Ceremony Today-Energy Policy & NTEC amendments

Greeting Relatives/Frens, Navajo Council Speaker Johnny Naize issued a press release this morning that announces that he is holding a Signing Ceremony at Noon today, Oct. 24, at his office. Naize will be signing the Energy Policy and amendments to Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC. Here is Naize’s press release: 22nd NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL | […]

Navajo Transitional Energy Company amendments approved

Navajo COUNCIL DEBATING AMENDMENTS TO NTEC PLAN OF OPERATION which Council votes down with vote of 4 in favor, 17 opposed. Final vote on NTEC amenmdents, 16 in favor, 5 opposed. DELEGATE WITHERSPOON If fraud, you say federal remedy so why isn’t language in Exhibit G? Who developed langauge? did we get any negotiations in […]

Deal Killer: Hold NTEC and BHP liable

Navajo COUNCIL DEBATING AMENDMENTS TO NTEC PLAN OF OPERATION DELEGATE LEONARD TSOSIE I suport this legislation. Navajo Council investigated whether buying coal mine good thing and we decided it was. But like any big venture it wud cost money. At the beginning I didn’t drive around there, kicked tires, looked under hoods. We had people […]

Legislative Copy of Navajo Council approved $4.1 m. for NTEC

Greetings Relatives/Frens, Here is the finalized Navajo Nation Council’s appropriation of about $4.1 million for Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC, that the Navajo Council amended and approved with a vote of 17 in favor, 2 opposed during their special session on Oct. 16, 2013. Speaker Johnny Naize signed it on Oct. 18, 2013, and it […]

Navajo Council approves $4.1 m for NTEC

Navajo Nation Council votes on approving $4.1 million for Navajo Transitional Energy Company today. The vote was 17 in favor, 2 opposed. The 2 opposing are Delegates Elmer Begay and Lorenzo Curley. The 17 “yes” votes came from Delegates George Apachito, LoRenzo Bates, Mel Begay, Nelson Begaye, Katherine Benally, Joshua Butler, Charles Damon II, Jonathan […]

NTEC: “Clean” coal is categorized as a renewable

Navajo Council continues debating $4.1 million for Navajo Transitional Energy Company, which the Council created to negotiate purchase of BHP Billiton coal mine. DELEGATE LEONARD TSOSIE Strike section 6 from legislation. (Section 6 deals with approving NTEC to go to Navajo Nation Investment Committee for approval of $36 million line of credit) VOTE 15 in […]

Navajo Council: Are coal revenues water to grow industrial seed

Navajo Council still debating $4.1 million for Navajo Transitional Energy Company which also includes authorizing NTEC to go to Investment Committee for approval of a $36 million line of credit to buy BHP Billiton coal mine. DELEGATE DWIGHT WITHERSPOON Other concept here, coming from community that complains about deals from major energy companies and getting […]

Naabi opens doors & goes to $4.1 m. legislation

Naabi opens doors at 3:25 pm and Delegate Jonathan Nez asks to waive floor rules and go to $4.1 million. Vote is 11 in favor, 0 opposed.