
Young Navajos Stage 200-Mile ‘Journey for Existence’

Young Navajos Stage 200-Mile ‘Journey for Existence’ – INDIAN COUNTRY TODAY – Organizers are calling out for community support in the form of walking, hosting or helping to garner basic materials. This first journey will end at Tsoodził (Mount Taylor), their southern sacred mountain. Three more walks are scheduled for spring, summer and fall […]

New Mexico’s Largest Utility Wants To Charge Solar Owners Up To $30 A Month

New Mexico's Largest Utility Wants To Charge Solar Owners Up To $30 A Month | ThinkProgress. PNM is one of many utilities seemingly stifling the proliferation of distributed solar power due to concerns over business-model disruption and long-term revenue impacts. Distributed solar advocates argue that solar can generate energy for the grid during peak demand […]

How the Navajo Council voted on Energy Policy

The Navajo Council vote to approve LEGISLATION 0276-13: the Energy Policy, also rescinded the Energy Policy approved under the former Navajo Chair Peter MacDonald administration. The Council vote was 13 in favor, 6 opposed on Legislation 0276-13 at 11:23 am on Oct. 22, 2013. 13 DELEGATES VOTING “YES” George APACHITO LoRenzo BATES Nelson BEGAYE Katherine […]

Energy Policy moves to Naabi & then Council

Resources & Development Committee takes up proposed legislation for Energy Policy: NAVAJO DIVISION OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIRECTOR FRED WHITE Energy hub, energy distribution system to benefit families and neighbors cuz energy primary component of Divisoin of Natrual Resources. Project started spriog 2010. Took over June 2010 and wanted grass root attempt so more community baed […]