
PHOTOS: Rising Native Youth gathering

Greeting Relatives/Frens/Humans, Here are some photos from this morning’s group meeting. The afternoon session will start with separate sessions: one for those “Over 30” and the other is for those “Under 30.” And then the “Over 30” group is limited to 30 seconds to speak…Interesting. Anyway here are some photos. I also did video and […]

People say we live in 2 worlds, but 1 world for today’s youth

HERE AT RISING NATIVE YOUTH GATHERING AT FORMER NAVAJO TRIBAL UTILITY AUTHORITY BUILDING, NOW CALLED. DROP-IN CENTER: TRISTIN MOORE: yes, we need to go to our elders but they may not know what it is that we are going thru especially now. We don’t we live in two worlds, we live in one world. We […]

Issues of resistence is nothing new

Here at Rising Native Youth gathering which started with food – lots of food and it was yummy! There were two types of fried but mostly steamed potatoes: with spam and with bacon. Hot warm tortilla were available to make your own breakfast burrito with you choice of cooked potatoes. There was red chili to […]

Where is Youth role in Spaces?

What is space? Online there are 1400 shares on 1491s FAceBook. But where is Space for Youth? But specific to youth born and raised in Shiprock, does national platform fit you. And then nationally, Shiprock identified as poorest county. But I disagree. And perhaps the reason for identifying is that there is a lack of […]

Slapping Medicine Man by 1491s

Video that shows humor. Feedback on Video: effective medicine. Humor is how Indigenous people cope. DISCUSSIONS Colonialism: Kris Barney – sickness brought on psyche but root word is colony which is to settle by outside force in new area. Kooper: taking over of land When colonized, you accept rules not made for you, accepting that […]

Rising Native Youth, Shiprock, NM

RNY gathering has started with introductions. the opening questions are who are we? What would u like to get out of this space? Why did you come here? One of participants says that she came because of the word youth. Another says coalition building, getting together, which has to do with action, plan of action. […]