
Rescinding Resources & Development Committee uranium legislation

Naabik’iyati Committee listening to Report on new policies relating to degrees and elimination of equivalency clause for positions from Bernadette Bernally, Human Resources Director, Navajo Nation Department of Personnel Management the first legislation for Naabik’iyati Committee is: LEGISLATION 0091-14: Relating to Naabik’iyati’; Rescinding, Repealing and Rendering Null and Void Resolution RDCD-69-13: Relating to Resources and […]

No action on proposed legislation to remove In-Situ Uranium Mining Demonstration Project on Navajo Reservation

The Navajo Council Resources and Development Committee took up LEGISLATION 0104-14, which is to rescind the RDC’s legislation, RDCD-69-13. that created a RDC subcommittee to draft an agreement with Uranium Resources, Inc., for an In-situ Uranium Mining Demonstration Project near Church Rock, N.M. RDCD-69-13 also acknowledged the right-of-way and surface use by URI of its […]

Navajo government meeting in downtown Phoenix Hyatt Regency hotel

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I was at the meeting of the Navajo Nation Council Resources & Development Committee’s Subcommittee for Proposed Agreement between the Navajo Nation and URI-Uranium Resources Inc. for a Demonstration Project involving In-Situ Uranium Mining. The Subcommittee members are RDC Delegates Leonard Tsosie, who serves as subcommittee chairperson, and Leonard Pete, who serves as […]

Eastern Navajo Land Commission Opposes Uranium Legislation

The Eastern Navajo Land Commission opposes the Navajo Council’s Resources and Development Committee Legislation 0373-13, which would allow Uranium Resources, Inc., to establish an In-Situ Uranium Mining Demonstration Project near Church Rock, N.M., and the creation of a Sub-Committee to draft an agreement to approve the transportation of uranium/hazardous materials by URI. The ENLC approved […]