
Navajo Council work session on RDC Subcommittee and URI, July 18, 2014.

NAVAJO COUNCIL NAABIK’IYATI COMMITTEE CONVENED AT 11:20 AM TODAY, JULY 10, 2014. DELEGATE LORENZO CURLEY July 22, Apache County Board of Supervisors meeting at Nahata Dziil Chapter to approve liquor license with George Ryan. I don’t know plan, concerning voice from Navajo Nation, but public has opportunity to speak. 10 a.m. Concern about legislation endorsing […]

Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee opposes Rescinding of its Subcommittee on URI/HRI

The Navajo Council Resources and Development Committee came out of executive session at about 4:11 p.m. and RDC Chairperson Katherine Benally immediately called for a vote on Legislation 0104-14, which was to rescind RDCD-69-13, which created a Subcommittee to draft an agreement between URI/HRI and the Navajo Nation for URI/HRI to operate an In-Situ Uranium […]

Resources & Development Committee go into executive session over confidential URI proposal

Navajo Council Resources and Development Committee votes on caling Legislation 0104-14, which is the rescinding of RDC legislation that created an RDC Subcommittee to draft an agreement with URI for an In-Situ Uranium Mining Project near Church Rock, NM. THE VOTE IS 3 IN FAVOR, 2 OPPOSED. The two opposing votes come from Subcommittee Chairperson […]

Resources & Development Committee taking up legislation regarding Uranium Resources Inc.

Navajo Council Resources and Development Committee back in session and now they are listening to report from Navajo Nation Division of Health about transitioning to Department of Health, which is a step up from being a division. One of the reasons for the transition is a public call for more accountability of hospitals on the […]

Navajo Council Delegate Tsosie says Delegate Yazzie lying to Naabi.

Naabik’iyati Committee having very heated debate on Delegate Edmund Yazzie’s Legislation 0091-14 to nullify Resources and Development Committee legislation that created RDC Subcommittee to draft agreement with URI for in-situ uranium mining demonstration project near Church Rock, NM. DELEGATE WALTER PHELPS wants to make a motion to have Legislation 0091-14 go back to RDC but […]

Rescinding Resources & Development Committee uranium legislation

Naabik’iyati Committee listening to Report on new policies relating to degrees and elimination of equivalency clause for positions from Bernadette Bernally, Human Resources Director, Navajo Nation Department of Personnel Management the first legislation for Naabik’iyati Committee is: LEGISLATION 0091-14: Relating to Naabik’iyati’; Rescinding, Repealing and Rendering Null and Void Resolution RDCD-69-13: Relating to Resources and […]

No action on proposed legislation to remove In-Situ Uranium Mining Demonstration Project on Navajo Reservation

The Navajo Council Resources and Development Committee took up LEGISLATION 0104-14, which is to rescind the RDC’s legislation, RDCD-69-13. that created a RDC subcommittee to draft an agreement with Uranium Resources, Inc., for an In-situ Uranium Mining Demonstration Project near Church Rock, N.M. RDCD-69-13 also acknowledged the right-of-way and surface use by URI of its […]

Meeting on proposed URI In-Situ Uranium Mining Demonstration Project, May 28, 2014, at Church Rock, N.M.

Proposed legislation for the Navajo Council’s Resources and Development Committee to rescind RDC action that acknowledged a right-of-way and surface use by Uranium Resources Inc. of its Church Rock, N.M., properties and the establishment of a RDC Subcommittee to negotiate with URI for an In-Situ Uranium Mining Demonstration Project near Church Rock was removed from […]

Negotiations with URI is happening at this meeting and that’s not right.

Greetings, back Here at the Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee’s Subcommittee of the Navajo Nation Uranium Resources Inc. Uranium Development Agreement of the 22nd Navajo Nation Council. URI VICE PRESIDENT FOR HEALTH, SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS MARK S. PELIZZA finished his presentation on ‘THE IN-SITU RECOVERY PROCESS” which was VERY technical. But I’m […]

URI: 42,000 acres of URI land is on negotiating table

Here at the Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee’s Subcommittee of the Navajo Nation Uranium Resources Inc. Uranium Development Agreement of the 22nd Navajo Nation Council. URI VICE PRESIDENT FOR HEALTH, SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS MARK S. PELIZZA is making his presentation on “THE IN-SITU RECOVERY PROCESS and it’s VERY technical. But I’m video […]