Greetings Relatives/Frens,
Here are the unofficial results from the Hopi Tribal government elections yesterday via my very good fren/colleague Ed Becenti, a grassroots activist and community organizer.
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2013 11:29 PM
Subject: Hopi election results…Informal Results as of 11:09 PM Wednesday nite
Okay, this is what it looks like tonite at the final Hopi election count at chambers:
Todd Honayaoma 276
Herman Honanie 387
Micah Loma’omvaya 267
Leroy Shingoitewa 178
Tommy Canyon 124
Mike Puhuyesva 65
Norman Honie 104
Caleb Johnson 53
TOP VOTE GETTERS: Todd H and Herman H.
Alfred Lomahquahu 629
Ronald Honyumptewa 319
Robert Sumatzkuku 256
George Mase 219
TOP VOTE GETTERS: Alfred L and Ronald H.
Of course, with such a wide voting margin, all those other candidates who did not make the TOP 2, those votes could sway either clear cut winner except for possibly Alfred Lomahquahu….who swept everyone else at 629…was a long nite…. S